Ch Portrait's Ainsley Blu Lace
Lacey |

Ch Kedgwick Split Decision |

Ch Daisymead's Dynasty |
Am/Can Ch Olde Spice Crusader |
Ch Carachelle Court Jester WD |
Ch Cindione Andrea Christine CD WDX |
Ch Daisymead's Blue Velvet |
Ch Rondelay Rival |
Ch Canterbury's Razzle Dazzle |

Ch Kedgwick Slick Chick |
Ch Successor of Sorts |
Ch Reklawholm Paul Jones |
Spellbinder of Sorts |
Ch Kedgwick Peppermint Patti |
Am/Can Ch Ranzfel Newsflash |
Ch Pride Acres Lady Ena Keeley |

Ch Majick Annie's in the Pink |
Ch Boxhill's Indigo Knight |
Ch Maidavale Night Flight |
Ch Perrocay Curzon Corrigidor |
Ch Maidavale Fly by Night |
Ch Boxhill's Kodachrome |
Aro's Pam Pam |
Gunpowder's Maggie Mae CD |
Ch Majick's Sassy Cindarella |
Ch Pennwood Foxhollow I'm Mr Blu |
Ch Maidavale Firethorn |
Ch Bluebell Caryn |
Barrister Moonshine Majick |
Ch Mistral Apricot Brandy CDX |
Majick Chelsea Quaver |