Ch Daisymead's Playboy
Dillon, 1994- |

Ch Daisymead's Birth of the Blues |
Ch Lynanns Risky Business
Am/Can Ch Olde Spice Crusader |
Ch Carachelle Court Jester |
Ch Cindione Andrea Christine CD WDX |
Ch Lynann's Precious Image |
Ch Southwind Phoebe Snow |
Ch Amawalk Perrocay Qeqertaq |
Ch Southwind Kelpie |
Daisymead's Main Squeeze |

Ch Daisymead's Hanky Panky |
Ch Daisymead's Dynasty |
Am/Can Ch Olde Spice Crusader |
Ch Daisymead's Blue Velvet |
Ch Kedgwick Honey Bunch |
Am/Can Ch Olde Spice Crusader |
Ch Kedgwick Fancy Footwork |
Ch Southwind Phoebe Snow |
Ch Amawalk Perrocay Qeqertaq |
Ch Southwind Kelpie |