Ch Ainsley's Backgammon Ch
Ainsley's Boxhill Back N Black |
Ch Boxhill's Black Jack |
Ch Bellflower Boxhill Jackpot |
Ch Successor of Sorts |
Ch Reklawholm Paul Jones |
Spellbinder of Sorts |
Ch Bellflower Eloquence |
Ch Dunelm Carnaby Street |
Ch Bellflower Carolina Blue |
Ch Boxhill's Bewitched |
Ch Maidavale Night Flight |
Ch Perrocay Curzon Corrigidor |
Ch Maidavale Fly By Night |
Ch Boxhill's Kodachrome |
Aro's Pam Pam |
Gunpowder's Maggie Mae CD |

Ch Ainsley's Back Talk
Ch Amawalk Wildwood Honor Guard |
Ch Berridale's Impossible Dream |
Ch Happiness Chariot of Fire |
Dickens Tracy Tupman |
Ch Amawalk's Xecutive Miss |
Ch Edgewood Fan Tan |
Ch Amawalk's Katrina |

Ch Kedgwick Goodtime Charlie CD |
Am/Can Ch Olde Spice Crusader |
Ch Carachelle Court Jester |
Ch Cindione Andrea Christine CD WDX |
Ch Kedgwick Fancy Footwork |
Ch Bethridge Moran Lafitte |
Ch Price Acres Lady Ena Keeley |