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Puppy Interest Form
About you:
Name Address City State Zip Day Phone Eve Phone E-mail
Enter the number 17 in this field (to exclude bots and spammers)
Your occupation:
Your age: Select one: 18-40 41-65 66+
Number of adults in your household: Select one: 1 2 3+
Number of children in your household (include visitation, day care): Select one: 0 1 2 3 4 5+
Please describe your living situation, checking all that apply:
House Apartment Condo/townhouse Suburban Urban Rural Fenced yard Unfenced yard No yard -- I'll be walking!
What other pets do you currently own?
Why do you want an English Cocker (rather than another breed)?
If you have had an English Cocker before, from whom did you purchase him/her?
What is your primary reason for wanting a dog? Select one: Conformation (show) Obedience (competition) Agility Field or Hunting Pet Other
What gender do you prefer? Select one: Male Female
Would you consider either gender, if your preference is not available? Select one: Yes Maybe No
Please indicate what colors you will accept:
Blue Roan Blue Roan and Tan Orange Roan Black and White Orange and White Black, White and Tan All are OK -- no preference
Please tell us anything else we should know about you or your search for an English Cocker.